No reason to rehash the whole weekend but of course the Jags demise must be mentioned. I especially enjoyed this loss since I was in a house full of people rooting for the Jags. Even before the 2-minute warning they were already making excuses why they wouldn't win. I'll sum it up for you...your QB turned into a turnover machine and Rashean Mathis (arguably one of the better corners in the league) really didn't play up to par. I came across this photo in my search for Jacksonville news worth sharing....can this be considered animal cruelty??

- The drama continues for Rich Rodriguez and, this divorce is turning uglier than Britney and K-Fed's. Rodriguez claims he was "trying to take that high road" and knew that there would "be some emotions involved" but say WVU peeps are spreading lines about him and tarnishing his good name. Whatever pal, not sure who is more wacked out....Rich or WVU fans.
- This just in....most kids think clowns are scary....why is this new information? Pennywise has been around since the 80's.
- To paraphase Chris Rock, "I'm not saying he should of done it, but I understand."
- As a Gators fan I am a big fan of Joakim Noah (except for that unfortunate celebration dance). His passion for UF and his competitiveness were second to none during his time in G-ville but of course, the Gators won back to back national championships. Apparently, playing on a team that sucks is a bit of a problem for Jo in Chicago. Benched by your teammates?? That's one I haven't heard before...
Because I actually have a job that pays me I have to cut this short. More to come, stay tuned....
Lets see...where do I start...first off...could this blog BE any shorter??? Just kidding, I know how busy you are J. As far as WVU goes, they feel betrayed and why shouldn't they. Not only is he from "the area", he attended WVU. It was mucho shady the way he the letter to a grad assistant to deliver to WVU officials...and then having the gall to say his official last day would be 1/3, but that he would not be coaching the team against Oklahoma the day before. I think he wanted them to fire him and so he wouldn't have that pesky $4 Million buyout from the contract he negotiated the year before.
I also heard that after deciding to take the Michigan coaching position, used WVU cell phones to make calls to players that he had been recruiting to come to WVU in order to let them know he was going to Michigan.(Muy Shady!)
When you come from where we do you expect a certain amount of loyalty and respect from people, especially those you hold in high esteem...the entire state thinks he's a big douche bag and I agree. Go Pitt!
Sorry, I got a little carried away are some more thoughts...I had a great time watching the Jags lose with you on Saturday, thats definitely animal cruelty, clowns can be scary sometimes, and Noah needs to grow up.
I think you need to start writing some of the posts! Also, I did not take blogging 101 so I promise to learn what the hell I am doing when linking stories....
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